
Problem Statement.

Poverty Slayer seeks to address multiple problems

  • Improvements in the Human Development Index for many countries is happening at too low a rate.  Foreign Aid and Charitable donations poured into these countries is largely wasted.
  • As a result of increased competitive pressures many workplaces have become toxic and harmful to employee’s mental health.  This then adversely affects family life.
  • Start-up companies fail at too high a rate
  • Start-up companies that do reach scale frequently create a new set of social problems.  Think Facebook and disinformation, or Theranos and inaccurate diagnostic tests.
  • Global warming is causing problems at an increasing rate. The rate of production of environmental entrepreneurs needs to be increased.

We acknowledge that common wisdom suggests that success occurs more frequently when one narrowly defined problem is targeted. It just happens that our approach addresses all of these without adding complexity.

Our Mission

Our mission is to address the root causes of social problems through product and business development. We help mid and late career unemployed individuals transition to a new career by working on anti-poverty entrepreneurial projects.

Our Approach

Poverty Slayer is an incubator for businesses that address the root causes of social problems. Poverty Slayer provides coaching and deliverable templates to development teams. Teams are composed of professionals seeking to leave a toxic work environment to work on a more meaningful mission. Team members will come from the community of need and the developed community. Products that move on to commercialization will be low cost and environmentally friendly.